Emotional Trauma

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    • #2318
      Christine Veres

      How does emotional trauma effect the Matrix? Is there any current research being done on this?
      Is it possible that emotional trauma instead of physical trauma can be responsible for structural/electrical imbalances in the body?

    • #2365

      Hi Christine,

      I view emotional trauma as a source of neurological (electrical) data that can become focused in certain parts of the body, in much the same manner as a physical injury. This can be discerned by the behavior of the patient, or due to the fact that the PR’s re-occur or do not respond to reasonable treatment. One additional way that I have differentiated these primaries is by scanning about 10-16 cm. from that part of the body. In these cases, the tension created by this data can predispose to physical injury or prevent resolution.

      Bringing the possibility of the emotional (stress) component to the awareness of the patient, using the breathing/visualization (‘vacation spot’) exercise, may be helpful in reducing this source of tension and open the person to possible constructive intervention and/or solutions.

      George Roth

    • #2368
      Christine Veres

      Thanks Dr. Roth. This is helpful to explain the challenges I am experiencing with one particular client. I will scan further away from the body and see what comes up.

      I am particularly interested with how emotional trauma effects the body and presents as symptoms. If you have a reference to where I could find more information about this, I would appreciate that. I would like to do some more research on this.

      Thanks again,

    • #2395

      There are many references in the literature under “Mind-Body” interactions. The book Brainspotting, by David Grand comes to mind.

    • #2396
      Christine Veres

      Thanks Dr. Roth, I will a look.

    • #3387

      I’ve found NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) to be very helpful for quickly resolving emotional issues that are impacting the body. I’ve been using it along with Matrix for the areas that either don’t show up when I’m expecting they should (sites of injury), don’t resolve completely, or there is a symptom that doesn’t resolve through Matrix alone.

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