When the force of a significant fall or impact enters the body, the densest structures will absorb the energy.Therefore the denser the structure is, the more vulnerable the structure is to sustain a significant injury.The densest structures in the body are the fluid filled organs which include the areas of the cranium, the spinal cord, the […]
Continue readingThe spinal cord is one of the most protected and vital areas in the body. Despite this level of protection, the thoracolumbar (TL) spine, which contains the second largest section of the spinal cord, is the NUMBER ONE most common fracture site in the spine.Injuries to the TL spine often result in so-called ‘compression fractures’. However, […]
Continue readingIn 1999, researchers at Yale University found that functional disorders caused by tension in the umbilicus to be very common with far reaching implications.Have you seen any of the above conditions in your patients without being sure where the source of the problem is?Chances are that this torsion pattern is a contributing factor.In the clinic, […]
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