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How Pelvic Concussions are Affecting your Patients

When the force of a significant fall or impact enters the body, the densest structures will absorb the energy.Therefore the denser the structure is, the more vulnerable the structure is to sustain a significant injury.The densest structures in the body are the fluid filled organs which include the areas of the cranium, the spinal cord, the […]

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Matrix Repatterning for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

This video with Dr. George Roth and Dr. Debora Chassé, outlines the assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction, utilizing the principles of Matrix Repatterning. It highlights the importance of injury to the osseous framework of the pelvis and how this can lead to many pelvic floor issues, such as incontinence, dysmenorrhea, erectile dysfunction and lower bowel issues, as well as low back pain. It also provides an overview of general Matrix Repatterning principles.

The video is a good review of clinical principles and may also be helpful in helping patients with pelvic floor dysfunction, understand how MR may be of value in their recovery.

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