The American Chiropractor Podcast Discussing Matrix Repatterning

Jaclyn, Dr. Busch and the team at The American Chiropractor publications are responsible for spreading the word on innovation in the Chiropractic community and I am grateful to be a contributor on these important platforms.

Our journey continues on the new TAC-TIC-TALK podcast that recently launched.

In this podcast, we bridge the gap between many components of, science, anatomy, injury, assessment and treatments including:

- Bone Asymmetry ( bone enlargement)
- Internal Injuries
- Joint Instability
- Treatment of Horses
- Effects of Dental Trauma
- Solutions vs Treatments (treating the source vs the symptom)
- Cellular Structure of the Body
- Concussions
- Scoliosis
- and more

To learn more about resolving structural distortions, from a lifetime of injuries, join the upcoming Foundation Seminar. Click below for details.

Note: Eligibility to participate in any paid Matrix Repatterning education program requires the practitioner to hold a valid license, in good standing,  in one of the following designations: DC, PT, RMT**, DO, OT, MD, ND*, NP, DVM,, NP, R. Kin.*, AT* 

*These qualifications are subject to review, based on local (state or provincial) professional guidelines.

**RMT qualification is only valid for Canadian provinces subject to provincial guidelines.

If you have any questions regarding eligibility, email

  • a couple of years ago
  • Video
George Roth, DC, ND, CMRP

Dr. Roth is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine and has studied osteopathic medicine at Doctors' Hospital North, Columbus, Ohio. He is the developer of Matrix Repatterning and is the Director of Education at the Matrix Institute in Toronto. Dr. Roth has presented seminars at numerous hospital and university‐based symposia throughout North America. He is the co‐author, with Kerry D’Ambrogio PT, of Positional Release Therapy (Elsevier, 1997), and the author of The Matrix Repatterning Program for Pain Relief (New Harbinger, 2005). His work is also featured in the Brain’s Way of Healing, by Dr. Norman Doidge (Penguin, 2015).