You can create a new story for your toughest patients

Do you ever have this experience?

...when a new patient is in such terrible shape with a list of injuries, surgeries, symptoms, and diagnoses a mile long, such that you don't even know where to start?

... and not knowing if it is even possible for the patient to get better from painful and limiting conditions?

Dr. Bruce Elliot had a challenged patient who had a history of childhood and spousal abuse. She had 3 strokes, MS diagnosis, and partial paralysis. She had tried "everything" to no avail.

Dr. Bruce Elliot

"I was still learning. I started with the basics and worked my way through. Long story short, today she is just like the rest if us and you would never know she had these problems. She dances and has her life back. It's unbelievable. I still don't believe it!"

Are you seeing satisfying and lasting results for very challenging patients that have already tried "everything under the sun"?

Would you like know how to use the body as the roadmap to show you exactly where and how to treat the body for profound and lasting results?

This story, form Dr. Elliot, is after just a short time applying Matrix Repatterning.

Do you want to change the story that you and your challenging patients will tell about their experience?

If so, I would like to invite you to review the upcoming introductory level seminars.

You can start finding and resolving underlying restriction patterns. These patterns are the underlying issue, keeping your patients from moving past their lifetime of injuries.

George Roth, DC, ND, CMRP

Dr. Roth is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine and has studied osteopathic medicine at Doctors' Hospital North, Columbus, Ohio. He is the developer of Matrix Repatterning and is the Director of Education at the Matrix Institute in Toronto. Dr. Roth has presented seminars at numerous hospital and university‐based symposia throughout North America. He is the co‐author, with Kerry D’Ambrogio PT, of Positional Release Therapy (Elsevier, 1997), and the author of The Matrix Repatterning Program for Pain Relief (New Harbinger, 2005). His work is also featured in the Brain’s Way of Healing, by Dr. Norman Doidge (Penguin, 2015).