When Less is More – Precise Gentle Treatments for Deeper Results

Many therapies utilize aggressive techniques in an attempt force tissues to mobilize.

The problem is that there are even stronger tension patterns, that are often the body’s protective mechanism, that are keeping those tissues locked up.

With these extreme tension patterns, the common assumption is that it should require a lot of force to undo the injuries that occurred, (from a head on car crash, for example).

However, my experience of seeking a much deeper understanding of the anatomy, the bio-mechanical and bio-electrical mechanisms of the body tell me a different story.

A much gentler story…

My experience is that allowing the body to clearly demonstrate, exactly where and how to treat the problem with precision will allow a gentler approach to provide much more rapid and complete results than fighting the tissue and risking further injury.

If you want to see what this assessment looks like of letting the body demonstrate how to best treat the injury, click the link below.

  • a couple of years ago
  • Video
George Roth, DC, ND, CMRP

Dr. Roth is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine and has studied osteopathic medicine at Doctors' Hospital North, Columbus, Ohio. He is the developer of Matrix Repatterning and is the Director of Education at the Matrix Institute in Toronto. Dr. Roth has presented seminars at numerous hospital and university‐based symposia throughout North America. He is the co‐author, with Kerry D’Ambrogio PT, of Positional Release Therapy (Elsevier, 1997), and the author of The Matrix Repatterning Program for Pain Relief (New Harbinger, 2005). His work is also featured in the Brain’s Way of Healing, by Dr. Norman Doidge (Penguin, 2015).