Reply To: Rotator cuff problem resolved after years of suffering

Home Forums CMRP Forum CMRP Success Stories Rotator cuff problem resolved after years of suffering Reply To: Rotator cuff problem resolved after years of suffering

Joshua Sharp

I had a similar experience. I had a patient who had chronic frozen shoulder that had been going on for about 6 years. She had seen numerous practitioners and I had treated her with minimal changes with chiropractic off and on over the years. While I was learning Matrix, I practiced some things on her treating her rib cage, shoulder blade, humerus, and lower cervical spine. In about 3-4 treatments her frozen shoulder was gone! I saw her recently (about 1 year since I treated the shoulder with Matrix) and she still has full ROM in the affected shoulder! I was so thankful to help with this issue because I know how debilitating and painful it can be.