Reply To: Charting

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Suzanne Howell

@Nadya I am planning to laminate the ROM and stability section and use a dry erase marker. I also need a cheat sheet for the ROM general range of degrees. Otherwise I end up marking “limited” or “ decreased” I know I am capable of learning them but I’m too overwhelmed by the vast amount of changes to my practice, transitioning to Jane and learning MR to confidently acquire ROM too right now. I was searching for digital goniometers ( I have an inexpensive one ) but that still requires a degree of user knowledge. I stumbled upon the easy angle. It’s a goniometer for the mathematically impaired. It’s so simple, as it should be for $275!

@Elsie, Jane is a practice management software that would replace manedger. It includes scheduling, charting and payment processing and comes with a pretty price tag too. You can find it if you search for Janeapp.