After reviewing the videos on assessment and treatment of the rib cage, I am still unsure about the containment angles as you start migrating towards the centre of the depression. You have been very good to explain the containment angle when you first start the release but do not follow through with how that containment angle changes as you release towards the centre of the depression. Is the containment angle the same or does that angle change and become more focused along the angle of the actual contour of the rib?
Thank you for clarifying this.
Hi Christine
When treating the ribs for a depression, the angle of your containment should be more tangential, along the natural contour/shape of the ribs
Can you please clarify what you mean by tangential? Please explain using the X,Y, and Z axis. When you start from the broadest points and work your way towards the centre of the depression, how does the X, Y, Z axis change? or does it?
Tangential means more along the curve, and not trying to connect into the deeper structure. Using X,Y,Z axes, it should not change. You will always be targeting the centre of the depression, no matter which vector shows up, and it wouldn’t really matter ANT/LAT/MED/POST, if you are targeting the centre. Sorry for the delay in response