Teeth shifting with permanent metal retainer

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    • #2287
      Christine Veres

      My client has a permanent metal retainer on both top and bottom teeth. After treatment to her mandible she is noting shifting in her bottom teeth where the retainer is attached and her night guard no longer is fitting. She had braces to “fix” a significant over bite and she is now concerned that her teeth will go back to the pre-braces position. She has an appointment with her dentist next week to get her night guard adjusted. Does she get the retainer adjusted? What would be the recommendation for this client? I told her I would have an answer for her before next Tuesday when she sees her Dentist.
      Thank you.

    • #2289
      Elsie Dyck

      I am not the final word on this, but here’s a little opinion 🙂

      It really depends why her teeth were in need of braces in the first place? From the picture of the client I showed during symposium, 5yrs + of dental work IS being undone, because they were trying to fix a perceived problem and not the actual problem. Now her teeth are straight, and not fighting to stay straight. My client also had a permanent wire removed from the teeth, because a bio-dentist told her this permanent wiring was not good for her mouth (as we know) and rest of her body.

      Honestly, it would be really nice to get an opinion from a dentist who knows and believes in Matrix Repatterning.

    • #2296

      Hello Christine,

      I agree with Elsie that correcting the underlying cause of the dental misalignment is the goal. The mandible may only be part of this. Since the upper and lower teeth both had permanent retainers, the cranial base, cervical spine and other structural imbalances may be relevant.

      Changes to the bite in relation to the retainers is not unusual. It is important to focus the patient on the improvement in other functional changes, related to overall health (ROM, joint stability, neurological findings, etc.). This will help them put see dental changes in a larger context of their general progress. It is worth explaining that the dentist/orthodontist is solely focused on the bite, but may not be aware that the braces and/or retainers may be producing mechanical and neurological stress via the trigeminal nerve, which overflows into the nervous system and thus other parts of the body. A dialogue with the dentist may be helpful.

      Dr. Roth

    • #2300
      Christine Veres

      Thanks Elsie for sharing your experience.

      Thanks Dr. Roth for helping me explain to my client how these shifts are effecting her overall wellness.

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