This is my first time experiencing this.
Female, 74 yrs old. Controlled High Blood Pressure (four medications). Currently experiencing diabetes, fatigue, possibly kidney issues, Anxiety. Previous whiplash (mild). previous dizziness issues.
Issues: R low back: lat leg and TBD sore and cramping in calf.
Treated by 4th tx: Legs, Cranium, Ribs, Hips, SAC
Subjective: She felt a lot better after the 4th treatment. During the 5th treatment, on her way back to her car, she slowly fell down to the ground, landing on her left knee. Didn’t experience dizziness, just had no control.
She returned for the 6th tx with bruising in L TBS. During this treatment she became dizzy as I treated her spine. A sensation of the room swimming. Teetered with arms abducted to 90Deg. and eyes closed. No teetering with eyes open (both sitting). (Waiting to hear from her)
I gave her some juice. But she only took a sip. Didn’t want more. I began to search for more. I treated her T-spine some more. Dizziness did not change. I walked her to her car because she wasn’t steady. She seemed scared, yet wanting to get out of there. I asked if she would be ok to drive. She said yes.
I reviewed medications again, and referred her to her doctor. She always checks her BP everyday, there had been no changes since we started treatment.
THOUGHTS?? and/or if this were to happen again, please advise on what I should do differently. Thanks!